Occidentally Mine

A place for me to return and remember after my remembery's shot.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


My older daughter graduates college one week from today. As most parents must feel, I can scarcely believe how the time has gone by. Very short synopsis: For the first 12 years we were best buddies. From 12 to 18 we could barely be in the same room without some sort of conflict. Things started improving when we began our road trips looking for colleges. The last two years have seen a return to our original closeness, more on an adult level, but she's still my baby and I'm still daddy.

The original plan for graduation was that I would fly out there with my younger daughter and my parents, attend graduation Saturday morning, and then we'd go for a celebratory lunch.

The mother would fly out separately, take the girls for dinner, and she and I would barely interact, maybe not even see each other. That's how things have been the last three years or so.

But this is my daughter's weekend. It is not about the mother and me but rather about this young woman we have helped form, for better or worse. It would be nice if she could have a cap & gown picture with both her parents, I think that would make her happy. So I've decided to invite the mother to join us for lunch. I don't know if she'll accept, but it will be good if we can put aside our bullsh*t for an afternoon.


At Monday, April 24, 2006 1:01:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats to your daughter! What an exciting time in her life...

If you all do lunch together hope it all goes well...


At Monday, April 24, 2006 11:55:00 PM, Blogger Occidentally said...

Thanks, Sammie. I'll keep you posted...

At Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:42:00 AM, Blogger Cath said...

Fingers crossed for you Occ - I am glad I never have to see my ex.... My sympathies are with you.

At Thursday, April 27, 2006 5:32:00 AM, Blogger Occidentally said...

Interesting fingers, Cath. Where did you find such tiny shoes to put on them? :-)


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