"AM" last p.m.
AM came by to visit last night. She's been saying that if I lose my hair she'll shave her head and we've joked about it (she has beautiful, thick hair).
I showed her how she could grab a bunch of mine and they'd come right out in her hand. She smiled, but started to cry. The reality is always so different from the anticipation.
She apparently got over her dismay as she spent the rest of the evening surrepitiously pulling at hairs all over my body to see which were coming loose and this cracked me up. So far it seems to be mostly my head. I've been taking a picture a day to track any changes in my appearance.
I can stay in bed a bit longer this morning as I needn't shave.
My luck, the hair's falling out just as the weather is turning warmer. And I just bought a Mini convertible so I'll need to slather my dome to avoid a sunburn.
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