I've begun to get in sync with the rhythm of these treatments and the predictability is 1) comforting and 2) making it easier to plan my time as I pretty much know how I'll feel day to day.
Treatment is every 3rd Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, and most of Saturday I feel fine as the bag of steroids that's part of the cocktail keeps me from feeling the fatigue right away so I can pretty much keep up my regular schedule. By Sunday, it's worn off and I crash and the other side effects begin as well. The
neuropathy, however, is always there but it's never so bad that I can't button a button. As a side note, I've apparently lost that reflex you get when the doctor rubber-mallets you on the knee and that's probably gone for good. Luckily, I can't think of any reason I'll need that particular reflex.
This past Sunday should've been a crash day which was too bad as there was a street fair in my neighborhood I wanted to attend and also I had set up a meeting with STBxW at a local tea house to see if we could work out the final details of the divorce without going to court again.
To my relief, I awoke Sunday feeling fine, walked the entire fair, had an amicable and productive meeting with STBxW and in general enjoyed the day.
Monday was the same. I got to work at a reasonable hour and stayed the whole day. I even joked that I should call the doctor to complain that something must be wrong as I wasn't feeling like crap. Maybe she'd forgotten one of the medicine bags. Anyway, I was feeling fine and was fairly bursting at the idea that maybe my body had become accustomed to the meds and I would breeze through the next 8 weeks.
Then it happened Monday night. I was watching TV with my daughter when all of a sudden I felt it begin to wash over me. I was exhausted and also, that funky taste coated my tongue and the rest of my mouth.
By Tuesday morning I could barely drag my butt out of bed, showed up for work later than usual, left earlier, and the bounce that had been in my step the day before was gone. I'm back to the chemo shuffle.
I was so depressed during the day that I got teary a few times. I'm really getting tired of this.
But I'm better now. I'm back into the rhythm.