The Day Can Only Get Better

This is more or less OK during the week when I need to wake up around that hour anyway, but on the weekends I like to sleep late so I lock them out.
This doesn't stop them. They meow at the door, try to reach up to turn the knob, and otherwise make a pain-in-the-ass of themselves. But it does buy me an extra hour or so of sleep.
This morning, around 6:30am, they'd been making a racket for an hour so I got up to give them some food in hopes that I could go back to sleep. The picture above shows the position of my bed.
I stumbled up, half asleep, to go feed them.
On my way around the corner of the bed, I smashed my shin on the sharp corner of the platform bed. To keep my balance, without thinking, I grabbed onto the radiator pole shown in the above pic. By 6:30 the heat's been on about an hour and a half and is about 1,000 degrees. The severe burn on my hand precluded me from massaging the spot where I'd hit the corner of the platform bed so I just hit the floor.
Meanwhile, the cars yowled, knowing I was awake.
I hobbled out to the kitchen, fed the little bastards, and went back to bed for the rest of the day.