Occidentally Mine

A place for me to return and remember after my remembery's shot.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Aah... Incomplete

Went to see Z this morning so he could check the incision, which is healing fine. Then he said Let's go to my office and chat.
He says The test results aren't complete yet, but it is lymphoma. The good news is it appears to be a low grade variety which is very treatable, and sometimes not treated at all. I'll go for a bunch more tests now to try and narrow this down and then we'll see.
I decided to head a few blocks down and see Dr. C. She's been my doctor for more than 10 years now, and coincidentally, her specialty is hematological oncology. So finally I'm giving her something she can sink her teeth into. It's another blistering day in NY.
By the time I got to Dr. C's she's read the report. She says pretty much the same thing Z said, and talks a little about the various "low grades" and how they're treated, or not treated and just monitored. She suggests we do a bone marrow biopsy now, as long as I'm at the office.
I'm not crazy about having a needle stuck into the bone, so I make sure she shoots me with a double shot of anesthetic. And it's not so bad. She has to push pretty hard on the needle, and her arm is getting tired, which is kind of funny, and I get to ask, for the first time in my life "Is it in yet? " Nyuk, nyuk. We all laugh at that one.
I now have an incision on my right front and a hole on my left back. I'll have to try sleeping on my head tonight.
I talked about the girls with Dr. C. She suggests I say nothing yet because we don't know anything yet, so why worry them. Seems like a good idea.
I went back to the office, where my father gave me 68 kisses and I made an appointment for a CAT scan Monday.
Tonight I'll go out and get rip roaring drunk. And get ready for tomorrow's fun with Repulsa.


At Friday, August 12, 2005 1:56:00 PM, Blogger haricarey said...

Hi Occidentally,

Thanks for stopping by my blog--altho' not exactly sure how you managed to get there. Read yours and it sounds like you're in the middle of some good clean anesthetized fun. (I'm sorry. Dry, cynical humor with strangers sometimes doesn't translate well. But my thoughts are with you.) Feel free to come by again and spill the beans on identity theft, frothy pee, or anything else your heart desires.


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